between the morning and the handbag

video projection
installed in gloss white wooden room
projection 180 x 120 cm
wooden room 240x360x240cm
4 Mins 13 Secs

between the morning and the handbag was filmed at the first light of day when the sun leaves no shadows. A roll of 35mm film captures these four minutes in which the warm light changes into white. A naked figure, appears limbless, as it sits on the edge of a large boulder facing the sea. This body is sculptural in its motionless, its humanity betrayed only by its breathing. The gradual changing of light, the slow movement of the water, and the handbag that marks the highly contemporary moment, all subvert the apparent timelessness and otherworldliness of the image.This project was made in 2002 in the south of Norway.

A year later, above the Arctic where the artist has her home, this particular light condition lasts for hours one day of the year. In the middle of the night on 21st July the sun rolls for an hour just below the horizon. In a way it is as if  time stands still. This makes a light condition with no shadows for hours. For her exhibition in Bergen Art Hall in 2004, where she was nominated as the artist of the year, she developed a body of works, both 35mm film and photography based on this concept with local women. 

between two mornings - 35mm film
1 am south - photograph, 177 x 220 cm
2 am south - photograph, 177 x 220 cm

1 am south - photograph, 177 x 220 cm, edition of 5

2 am south - photograph, 177 x 220 cm, edition of 5